Adverse Camber

I started this blog to get me through the London Marathon 2011. It was quite a challenge as I only started running on the 3rd of May 2010. I finished the marathon with painful blisters and quite a lot of money for a great charity!

This blog is now taking me on a new journey - to a fitter lifestyle aided by running.

Sunday, 19 September 2010

A confession

I need to confess.  I have been indulging in a new practice for the last four and a half months.  At first I didn't want to do it, but I kept on going.  Then a funny thing happened - I started to enjoy it.  I enjoyed the endorphins, the sense of achievement and the sense of a place in a community of like minded people.  I think I am hooked.

I now watch every person I see running, I look at their stride, their gait, their pace and often with considerable jealousy.  I watch running on TV and read about it in books and magazines.

My only wish, as I discovered whilst watching the Great North Run on TV today, was why didn't I discover this years ago?

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