Adverse Camber

I started this blog to get me through the London Marathon 2011. It was quite a challenge as I only started running on the 3rd of May 2010. I finished the marathon with painful blisters and quite a lot of money for a great charity!

This blog is now taking me on a new journey - to a fitter lifestyle aided by running.

Thursday, 16 September 2010

An accident prone evening

I tried to run further than normal after a day at school.  Before I'd even begun running I caught my foot on an uneven path and twisted my back; then I wandered into stinging nettles (when looking for somewhere to do a 'Paula') and finally I twisted my ankle which also had the consequence of twisting my knee.

After this run of bad luck/clumsiness I walked for a bit and wondered why I was not enjoying my run on what really was a glorious evening in the woods.  The air was fresh, the birds singing and the golden sunlight making all the trees look amazing.  Then I thought back to the last time I had a dreadful run - then I was very tired. 

After the weekend at PGL and several night's bad sleep I was once more shattered and this meant not only was I a rubbish runner, but could not enjoy the beautiful evening.  Our bodies just cannot work without adequate sleep, especially when we ask it to do something like run 6 1/2 miles.  Sleep is the runner's friend!

Ah well, at least I got a couple of hours fresh air in the woods!

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